Tuesday, March 16, 2010


We were supposed to start cyanotype/van dyke brown process stuff tonight in alt process, but yeah... it didn't end up happening... I got one piece of hot press watercolor paper coated for each process, then said screw it and went home. The only drawback to our lab is that we have 3 computers and 4 printers. One doesn't work, and the other three were occupied all night... I should have thought ahead and edited my photos at home, but what can you do? Sometimes other stuff happens during the day and it gets a little bungled in the end.

I think I'm going to go in on Friday afternoon and work, since the time Cathleen and Johnny are coming was Thursday and not Friday... fine with me. If I work on Friday, I don't have to worry about being anywhere at night for a class.

Marek has been mopey today, but he seems a little more chipper now... of course... before bed. Yay. He's been chasing a toy around and sliced my ankle when he got too excited... it's time for a pedicure I think. He's doing his routine where he tears all over my apartment at warp speed (I'm not kidding, lol) and plays with every toy he can find. It's super cute and I wish I could get it on video because it would probably win some award, or at least be a hit on youtube for five minutes. Heheh.

I feel bad that I haven't been updating this much in the past couple weeks, but I've been either busy or in dark places, trying to work things out for myself. There has been a lot of stress from several different sources, and when things like that are going on, blogging is really the last thing on my mind, and sometimes I might think oh, I should write a blog, but that rarely ends up happening.

I should go to bed soon, I have a lot to do this weekend, and even more to do next week... and tomorrow I should probably do some stuff too... doing stuff is good...

St. Patrick's Day night is the Hatchet/Witchaven/Vanlade/The Tards show, so I have that to look forward to after my art history class.

I really think it should be St. Patrick Stewart day, and everyone should wear Star Trek uniforms... it's only fair. I mean really. Screw green.

Ok, I'm going, I'm going :P

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