Thursday, February 25, 2010

The 1700s Project, Part One...

Ok, here are a couple of my new images from the Marie Antoinette digital project, just to show some ideas. I'm utilizing a lot of Photoshop filter tools, which if done right, aren't stupid looking. Hopefully that's coming across. I'm probably going to work on getting some more photos today, either from my scanner or just my regular camera... I might even see about shooting a roll of film and dropping it off at Walgreens to be processed. I'd rather not though, I'm a bit low on funds right now, as always. Peh.

Clicking on this bottom one will help, the blog frames sort of cut it off.

Also, a huge thanks to Jodi, who took photos of me Saturday night, that was a HUGE help!!! :D

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Slow news day

Well, not much is going on today yet... I have a cracked tooth that hurts a bit, yet no money, and there are a lot of deadlines approaching. So what do I do? Look up Gamma Ray stuff on youtube... haha.

I feel kind of bad for Kai, doing ninety billion interviews with the same questions that have been floating around since he left Helloween has to get kind of irritating.

I am really not too keen on going outside today. Last time I looked at the weather it said it's only 8 degrees F, and yeah... screw that.

Maybe I should switch to a liquid diet until I get this tooth fixed... owww....

I'm going to try to get some photos of process up here before long, hopefully this afternoon, to show more of what I'm working on right now. I got some cool stuff last night to work with as well. Yeehawr!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Another week, another head injury...

Well, the last few weeks have been pretty busy. I think the last thing I posted was a list of links to videos I thought were cute.

I did start a very short-lived Twitter account for Gamma Ray fans, but I'm just waiting until I hear if that is going to even materialize. No harm done, that and I think I would have exploded if I had one more thing to deal with this week.

Let's see... I had my second German test today... I hope I did all right. It was a lot simpler than I thought it would be, but that doesn't mean I did well on what was there. I guess I'll find out Monday or Tuesday.

I also need to formulate ideas for a project that I've put off for a while. I'm staying up in KC this weekend so I'll have some extra time. I hope I remember to use it wisely.

At the moment I'm just feeling like a nap, just had some very good shrimp fried rice, so that's probably the culprit. I also drank a Sprite, rather than my usual Dr. Pepper, so lack of caffination is probably a big part of it as well. Maybe I'll go join Marek on top of the storage tub for a nap... nerk.

I finally got my CD/DVD copy of "To The Metal!", and it's great :D I finally watched the DVD tonight and it was put together nicely, and gave a really nice overview of the album creating process without being too technical or too elitist. It was very nice to get to hear the construction of a song as well. I'm glad they're so proud of the album because it really is amazing. I know some people are kind of annoyed with it, and think they could do something better. I don't know what to say to that, I was overwhelmed by how amazing it is, even though I was confident it would blow me away.

Anyway, I'm feeling ughy, my head still hurts from bashing it on the corner of my microwave door last night, so I might go rest for a bit and maybe even write on a regular basis before long... don't hold your breath, lol.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gamma Ray in Paris 2/10/2010

Here are some videos from the Paris show that Gamma Ray did Wednesday night :)

They were filmed by Christian, who did a wonderful job, and here is his youtube address:


New World Order:



Saturday, February 6, 2010

A few videos for your enjoyment

These are just some random things I found on youtube.

And then the legendary Star Trek spoof on Family Guy, where we were introduced to Ensign Ricky:

And the ever elusive (grumble) video of Gamma Ray doing Blood Religion from Wacken in 2006:

I can't not post this, it's too cute:

That's probably enough for now, :D

Updates or something

Well, for the 0.0 people who read this, this is basically what's going on in my life.

I'm working on a webpage right now, it's going pretty well, even though I'm up way too late for one day.

My main hard drive died on me last Friday, leaving me with a huge hole in all my old data... luckily a lot of stuff IS saved on my older, more reliable hard drive. Woohoo for antiques. Heh. Right now I'm emailing copies of all my files to my email address so I can make sure to have backups. At least I'm being smart this time huh?

Classes are good, I felt bad that I missed too much German this week, but I will make it up.

Snow sucks and I hate it. I'm really tired of white stuff... belh.

Anyway yeah, I did a goofy photo of Vivaldi as a pirate, hehe

There isn't really a point, I just found it amusing and had a good time making it. :D

Anyway, I'm going to go pass out now, so there will be much more later, well, hopefully if I have time. :)