Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Having goals, we all should strive for something

So tonight I decided, not really intending to, that it would be fun to buy 20 Chicken McNuggets.

I'm not really sure why, but I did eat about 19.5 of them in the course of about 6 hours. Marek got some, of course. I think he would have staged a revolt if he was ignored. Will these 19.5 mcnuggets help me in any way, shape or form? Probably not. I have it on good authority that nacho cheese chicken chalupas are the best remedy for any ailment of the stomach, and Code Red Mt. Dew does wonders as well. It's also good if you want the dehydration diet.

Other than that, today's been weird. My German class might be cancelled because of insanely low enrollment, and I had a laptop scare this afternoon. I went to Best Buy, as I do when I'm broke and have a service plan. Apparently the guy who works in the kiosk up at the front has nothing better than to inspect peoples' previously purchased items and put little pink stickers on them, and seems to find the part where nothing will come off. I'm glad I made his day more exciting. It must be liberating to sit in that little spot for 9 hours a day saying hi there to all the passersby.

I got up to the Geek Squad table, and the same guy who is there every single solitary time I've been there was working with several people, so I got sent to customer service to get a receipt printed. Apparently he didn't want me just standing over there. I have nooo clue.

Long story short, I'm not really sure if they did anything, but at least no one griped at me for having a dusty computer on the inside... bleh.

I'd write more, but I'm being inundated by links from people who think I must watch said video RIGHT NOW, and I just want to listen to Deep Purple...

that's all for nao... flerb

Monday, May 24, 2010

Dog poo in the punchbowl...

Sometimes I really wonder what my purpose is. Sometimes, I'm not sure I even have one.

I had an email from someone I really didn't want to hear from today, telling me to remove graphics from my GR forum. He really has no right to ask me something; he might be the webmaster, but he's doing these things on his own. Come to find out, he's afraid he'll get in trouble for giving me graphics I didn't even use for anything but designs to help HIM.

I love idiots. I really do. I love them enough to want to just hibernate, cancel my internet connection and never care about things like this again.

I'm probably overreacting, but I really thought this garbage was over. I spent two months of my life helping him, trying to make a site that would be comprehensive and really speak to fans from all different incarnations of Gamma Ray. Well, obviously that didn't happen. *shrug* No biggie though. I guess it could be a lot worse. It's not like I lost anything but time, and maybe a commission for a very horrible logo idea. It's ok though, the guy that I was working for was even more obnoxious, and makes me wonder if moving to Germany eventually is even worth it.

Maybe I'll move to Montana... raise me some dental floss...

I just have to remember, trusting people, for the most part, is a human error, one that I have made many, many times.

I've had so many things running around in my head lately, questioning the validity of some relationships, if they're even real, and wondering if maybe I'm doing a bunch of things now that won't even matter later. I guess I'll just stay the course, and figure things out later on when they show themselves for the truth that they hold.

I just know that being told that I send garbage to people I care about, and fill up their boxes with said garbage, basically because he doesn't want to get in trouble.

It just goes to show, there are good people, then there are immature morons, and unfortunately, I seem to know a lot more immature morons than good people... and I should think a lot more in the future before I say I will offer help or assistance, or even an ear to people to seemingly need it, because they need help... more help than I can ever offer. Like psychiatric help.

At least by the end of this blog I feel more empowered than I started out.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Rest in Peace Dio...

In all my wildest dreams, I didn't think I'd be writing a blog about Ronnie James Dio leaving this world... Anyway though, he's gone now, but only in body. His spirit is still with every metal fan who ever believed, and I think perhaps that this will inspire even more people to listen to his music and those of his colleagues and counterparts.

I've thought about his death in a much more Buddhist kind of philosophy... more like he transcended and is in another level of reality, and is resting from all the medical problems that beset him in the last six months. It helps me deal with it, even though I had a good cry the other night. No one is ever going to be able to replace him, and that's all right.

Anyway, that's really all for now. I'm still at home, maybe will help mom paint some tomorrow but I'm not really sure yet. All I know is I could sleep for a week. Ahhwell. Sleeping all the time is highly overrated, and life is way too short.

Anyway, thank you Mr. Dio, for all the music and inspiration, and I only wish I'd come to know your music much sooner...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A couple things

Well, classes are over for this semester and things went pretty well.
My gpa is a lot higher than it has ever been, and I'm pretty happy with that.

Jodi got her interview with Daniel published, here's a link:
Jodi's interview with Daniel from Gamma Ray

I guess other than that life is life. I have a photoshoot with Vanlade today, and then I'll have some editing time and noodling.

We had a huge storm last night, Marek wasn't too happy about all of that... now I just sit and stare, until I decide either to go to Taco Bell or go back to bed...