Monday, May 24, 2010

Dog poo in the punchbowl...

Sometimes I really wonder what my purpose is. Sometimes, I'm not sure I even have one.

I had an email from someone I really didn't want to hear from today, telling me to remove graphics from my GR forum. He really has no right to ask me something; he might be the webmaster, but he's doing these things on his own. Come to find out, he's afraid he'll get in trouble for giving me graphics I didn't even use for anything but designs to help HIM.

I love idiots. I really do. I love them enough to want to just hibernate, cancel my internet connection and never care about things like this again.

I'm probably overreacting, but I really thought this garbage was over. I spent two months of my life helping him, trying to make a site that would be comprehensive and really speak to fans from all different incarnations of Gamma Ray. Well, obviously that didn't happen. *shrug* No biggie though. I guess it could be a lot worse. It's not like I lost anything but time, and maybe a commission for a very horrible logo idea. It's ok though, the guy that I was working for was even more obnoxious, and makes me wonder if moving to Germany eventually is even worth it.

Maybe I'll move to Montana... raise me some dental floss...

I just have to remember, trusting people, for the most part, is a human error, one that I have made many, many times.

I've had so many things running around in my head lately, questioning the validity of some relationships, if they're even real, and wondering if maybe I'm doing a bunch of things now that won't even matter later. I guess I'll just stay the course, and figure things out later on when they show themselves for the truth that they hold.

I just know that being told that I send garbage to people I care about, and fill up their boxes with said garbage, basically because he doesn't want to get in trouble.

It just goes to show, there are good people, then there are immature morons, and unfortunately, I seem to know a lot more immature morons than good people... and I should think a lot more in the future before I say I will offer help or assistance, or even an ear to people to seemingly need it, because they need help... more help than I can ever offer. Like psychiatric help.

At least by the end of this blog I feel more empowered than I started out.

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