Friday, February 19, 2010

Another week, another head injury...

Well, the last few weeks have been pretty busy. I think the last thing I posted was a list of links to videos I thought were cute.

I did start a very short-lived Twitter account for Gamma Ray fans, but I'm just waiting until I hear if that is going to even materialize. No harm done, that and I think I would have exploded if I had one more thing to deal with this week.

Let's see... I had my second German test today... I hope I did all right. It was a lot simpler than I thought it would be, but that doesn't mean I did well on what was there. I guess I'll find out Monday or Tuesday.

I also need to formulate ideas for a project that I've put off for a while. I'm staying up in KC this weekend so I'll have some extra time. I hope I remember to use it wisely.

At the moment I'm just feeling like a nap, just had some very good shrimp fried rice, so that's probably the culprit. I also drank a Sprite, rather than my usual Dr. Pepper, so lack of caffination is probably a big part of it as well. Maybe I'll go join Marek on top of the storage tub for a nap... nerk.

I finally got my CD/DVD copy of "To The Metal!", and it's great :D I finally watched the DVD tonight and it was put together nicely, and gave a really nice overview of the album creating process without being too technical or too elitist. It was very nice to get to hear the construction of a song as well. I'm glad they're so proud of the album because it really is amazing. I know some people are kind of annoyed with it, and think they could do something better. I don't know what to say to that, I was overwhelmed by how amazing it is, even though I was confident it would blow me away.

Anyway, I'm feeling ughy, my head still hurts from bashing it on the corner of my microwave door last night, so I might go rest for a bit and maybe even write on a regular basis before long... don't hold your breath, lol.

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